When you create an event like this
public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> MyEvent;
and you use it like this :
var receiver = new MyReceiverClass();
this.MyEvent += receiver.ReceiveMethod;
Receiver instance will be never cleaned in memory by Garbage Collector while “this” is referenced by any another object and, if "this" is Singleton object … receiver will be never free !!!! Even if receiver is not referenced somewhere … simply because it is referenced by the event of the Singleton :-(
.Net Framework provides us with some tools to avoid this problem. You can see e.g. this reference. It is the WeakEvent patterns.
This pattern works fine but it is a little hard and complex to create an object which receives an event with out strong reference : we need to implement IWeakEventListener interface or/and use a WeakEventManager.
My helper approaches the problem in a different way:
- It is easy to use += / –= operator to wire/unwire event with exactly the same approach of that of a classical event
- helper does not give a strong reference on receiver event
- helper allows additionnal functions on FrameworkElement receivers:
-> an unloaded instance will not received event!
-> capacity to filter Execute calls when the event is wired on different receiver (not tested …)
Example of usage
To declare an event, you need just this code :
private UIWeakEventHandler<MyEventArgs> _myEvent;
public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> MyEvent
_myEvent += value; // UIWeakEventHandler is created by += operator if necessary
_myEvent –= value;
public void OnMyEvent(MyEventArgs e)
if (_myEvent != null)
and It”s All Folks :-)
MyEvent is a public event and supports classic += / –= operator so Visual Studio offers the traditionnal helper like auto-created-code when the developper press "+=" key sequence.
Why do I want to use this?
I need to create some events in my application on singleton instance and sometimes these events could be wired on WPF Window. When using a simple event, it is always necessary to wire on Loaded event of my Window and not forget to unwire event in Unloaded event of the same Window: when forgetting them will lead to some Leak memory error and it could take ages to find the origin of the problem. I hope this type of technical approach helps me!
Download v2.10 (29/03/2009)
- Complete refactoring ! I will create another post in fews days to explain all news functionnalities
- IHandlersRepository interface : new name of IModelViewEventSupports
public interface IHandlersRepository
void AddHandler(ModelRoutedEvent modelRoutedEvent, Delegate handler);
void RemoveHandler(ModelRoutedEvent modelRoutedEvent, Delegate handler);
void GetHandlers(ModelRoutedEvent modelRoutedEvent, object sender, EventArgs e, ref List<Delegate> result);
- new RoutedPropertyChangedEvent and RoutedPropertyChangingEvent
- Create FrameworkElementHandlersRepository class to optimize memory perfomance on FrameworkElement target (Same internal approach of RoutedEvent of .Net WPF framework)
- Example with TreeView and Recursive ModelView entity
- Include {MethodBinding} approach in TreeView Example
- new interface IStorableEventsObject / IModelViewEventSupports to implements a “routed event pattern” on ModelView object
- the main window can open secondary window via “New Windows” button
- “Fire static event” calls a static event and changes a Label in secondary Windows
- “Show counter” gives you the quantity of Window2 class instance
- “GC.Collect” executes a memory collection >> Clic on “Show counter” to see the consequences of this collection
I never used this prototype in real application and so comments will be very welcomed :-)
Best regards
Class Diagram
Todo list
- I started to retro-analysis Routed event of WPF framework in order to understand the way is has been designed. For example, very good performances are certainly obtained by saving Event handler of a UIElement in the same UIElement (like Dependency proprerty mechanism): the static routed event instance is only an identifier of the event and does not memorises anything else.
My own approach is different. I have a Weak-list of Event handler: when quantity of receiver instances is important (e.g. more than 10 000) >> will possibly result in having some performance problems during the invoking process.
Routed approach will be possible only when invoker has a link with receiver. This link will be the Logical graph of user interface in "Routed Event and UIElement invoker". >> you can find a prototype of this approach in v1.20 version of download - I wish to interact between these static events and a graph of data object (ModelView part of Model - ModelView - View approach ) and when an instance of data object invokes a static event, My goal is that every ancestor (and only them) of this instance (in the graph) receives the event! >> you can find a prototype of this approach in v1.20 version of download
- WeakEvent pattern of microsoft framework :
- Explanation of Event strong reference in this good article :
- Roughly the same approach : and It’s contains very good ideas like : Multithreading aspects, Semantic (Add, Remove, Invoke better than my Add(Remove)WeakRefenceHandler/Execute) : theses ideas are integrated in v1.10 of download :-)